« Yūgen », in Japanese, refers to an ideal of grace and subtlety. The Yugen vase has been designed to embrace this mysterious sense of beauty in its subtle curves, creating a delicate collar around floral arrangements. The presence of the Yugen vase is an invitation to seek for beauty through the most subtil details of life.

« Yūgen », in Japanese, refers to an ideal of grace and subtlety. The Yugen vase has been designed to embrace this mysterious sense of beauty in its subtle curves, creating a delicate collar around floral arrangements. The presence of the Yugen vase is an invitation to seek for beauty through the most subtil details.


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« Yūgen », in Japanese, refers to an ideal of grace and subtlety. The Yugen vase has been designed to embrace this mysterious sense of beauty in its subtle curves, creating a delicate collar around floral arrangements. The presence of the Yugen vase is an invitation to seek for beauty through the most subtil details of life.


« Yūgen », in Japanese, refers to an ideal of grace and subtlety. The Yugen vase has been designed to embrace this mysterious sense of beauty in its subtle curves, creating a delicate collar around floral arrangements. The presence of the Yugen vase is an invitation to seek for beauty through the most subtil details of life.


Même le fruit le plus amer contient du sucre.

– Terry a. O’Neal